- IMAS Journal (2015); Risk in Hand-to-Hand Combat: Applying an Operational Risk Assessment Model to better understand the function of Martial Arts, Volume 004 Issue 004, Autumn 2015, pp. 26-79.
- IMAS Journal (2016); The Cybernetics of the Martial Arts: A proposed application of Cybernetics to the study of the function of Martial Arts, Volume 005 Issue 002, Spring 2016, pp.18-85.
- ICSSPE Journal (2016); Aristotelian Science behind a Medieval European Martial Art, International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, Special Bulletin.
In Eskirmology
- Founded Eskirmology (2004)
- Created a framework for quantifying Martial Arts on a purely behavioural-level
- Conducted statistical analysis on 30 Martial Arts, including:
- Tae Kwon Do (ITF & WTF)
- Shotokan Karate
- Wing Chun
- Fencing
- Boxing
- Aikido
- Shaolin Wushu
- Iaido
- Book: James Wallhausen (pseudonym, 2006); The Martial Arts Delusion, 1st Edition
- Book: James Wallhausen (pseudonym, 2008); The Martial Arts Delusion, 2nd Edition
- Book: James Wallhausen (pseudonym, 2011); The Martial Arts Delusion, 3rd Edition (Revised & Expanded, on Amazon)
- Book: James Wallhausen (pseudonym, 2009); Eskirmology: The Science of Interpersonal combat. (Book)
- Paper: Wallhausen, J (2011, rev. 2012); The Cybernetics of the Martial Arts
- Paper: Wallhausen, J (2011, rev. 2012); Risk in Hand-to-Hand Combat: Applying an Operational Risk Assessment Model to better understand the function of Martial Arts
- Paper: Wallhausen, J (2011, rev. 2012); Somatotype and Martial Arts (online shortly)
- Paper: Wallhausen, J (2011, rev. 2012); The COSTAC Method
- Paper: Wallhausen, J (2011, rev. 2012); Kinesthesis as the Basis for Timing in Martial Arts (online shortly)
- Suggested to Professor Kernspecht Dr.Sc. that he name his book after the Fight-Logic Concept – Which he did (Kampf-logik 3: Die Praxis des Treffens & Nicht-getroffen-werdens) including reference to me, pp.322.
In Paleoeskirmology
- Discovered & transcribed Ms. GBf18.a, which included a fragment of the a fight-verse from ‘Magister Beringois’ (‘Fightlore of Beringois MS GBf18a’)
- Discovered & transcribed Cod. Guelf. 38.21 Aug. 2°, which included the only known work attributed to David Lienhart Sollinger
- Translated all German manuscripts on Fencing pre-dating 1600 (privately published)
- (2015), Warbook: Complete translation of the Works of Ludwig von Eyb (A full translation of Ludwig (VI) von Eyb zum Hartenstein’s 1511 Kriegsbuch (Warbook), based upon the Signatur Ms. B 26 of Universitäts-Bibliothek-Erlangen. Using original scans by permission of Universitäts-Bibliothek-Erlangen.)
- (2012) Bestellen 7020 translation
- The Seven Stances of Hans Medel (translation from Engstrom transcription)
- Fechtspruch (Hans Sachs, transcription and translation – privately disseminated)
- Fechtlied of Hans Folz (MS Q.566) (transcription, translation and Biography)
- Reichsstadt “Schätze” Nr. 82 (transcription – privately disseminated)
- Discovery of a reference to the Fechtbuch of Hans Entner
- Critical Edition of the Gladiatoria Manuscripts (transcription and translation)
- Critical Edition of the Talhoffer Manuscripts (transcription and translation)
- Martin Syber Fechtlehre (transcription and translation)
- Nicolaüs Augsburger (transcription and translation)
- Hugo Wittenwiler (partial translation, Long Sword section)
- Jobst von Württemberg (translation)
- Hans Czyner (translation, based upon Bergner & Giessauf (2006) Wurgegriff und Mordschlag)
- Additional: Ein khurtzer Vnderricht vnd Einleydung wie fortheyl Im ringen zu geprauchen sey (Wassmansdorff, (Bl. 93a)) (transcription and translation of Wrestling teachings)
- Additional: Karl Wassmannsdorff, Sechs Fechtschulen, Heidelberg (transcription
- Cross-comparison of techniques identifed using the Paleoeskirmological Method
- Book: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2009); Knightly Martial Arts (on Amazon)
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2008); The Epistemology of Historical Combat Systems
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2009); German Commonplace or Customary fencing (Critical edition): A cross-comparison between sources on English Two-hand Sword, German Zweihander, Spanish Montante & Italian Spadone (Privately disseminated, included translation. Revised 2014 – to be Publically available)
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2011); BEST 7020, Köln fechtbuch (translation)
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2012); De Veris Principiis Artis Dimicatoria (The True Principles of the Art of Combat): A Short Treatise by Henry Von Gunterrodt dated 1579 (full Latin transcription, translation in draft – online shortly)
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2012); MS GBf18a: Fightlore of Magister Beringois (transcription & Stemmatology with Hans Folz account, identification of new sub-tradition, original 2012 paper)
- Paper: James Wallhausen (pseudonym) (2012); Cod. Guelf. 38.21 Aug. 2°: Messerfechtens of David Lienhart Sollinger (transcription – back online shortly, Wiktenauer listing)
- Book: Jamie Acutt (2012-2013); An Critical Edition of the Johannes Liechtenauer Fightlore (transcription, translation, Computer-assisted Stemmatology)
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2014); Johannes Liechtenauer: An investigation into the sociology behind the witnesses of the German corpus
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2014); Liechtenauer the Scholastic: A Study of Aristotelian Scholasticism and how it relates to framing the topics covered by the Liechtenauer corpus
- Book: Jamie Acutt (2014); Unarmed Fencing (Die Freifechtens of Jakob Happel) (Critical edition of Happel’s works on Unarmed Combat, transcription and translation)
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2016); A Statistical Analysis of the Martial Art presented in the Liechtenauer fechtbücher
- Foundation of ‘New Chivalry’ as an updated Holistic approach to an Historical Combat System
- Foundation of The ‘Devonshire Wrestling Society’ as a recreational and reconstructionist group for a traditional Devon martial art.
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2016); German Sword & Buckler Fencing (Critical Edition)
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2016); The Liechtenauer Playbook
- Paper: Jamie Acutt (2016); Unknown & Lost German Fencing Manuscripts