I’m Jamie Acutt
Leader Author Researcher Speaker

Some people see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not.



Everything that's ever been designed was designed by someone for someone. Design is principally a human-centred activity.


The search for evidence is essential. I seek the most appropriate evidence for grounding my work, albeit qualitative and quantitative.


Design is about imagined alternatives. All design is experimenting to find better, then reducing the gap between the imagined and current reality.

Some of my proudest achievements

Father to 4 incredible girls

Author of 8 Non-fiction books, 37 academic papers (top 2% on Academia.edu)

Drove 750,000 app downloads in 1 year, for a major bank

Trained over 10,000 employees in 1 month, for a major bank

Won 3 high-profile awards, for my work on digital tranformation

Discovered 2 very significant, and previously unknown, Medieval Manuscripts